The Service has held a handing-over ceremony for the incoming Director-General, Professor Samuel Kaba Akoriyea. This event marked the transition from the outgoing Director-General, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, who served 30 years in the Service, including 5 years as Director-General to the new Ag. Director General, Prof.  Samuel Kaba Akoriyea, who previously served for 12 years as the Director of the Institutional Care Division of the Service.

In his handing-over speech, Dr. Kuma-Aboagye emphasized the importance of a smooth transition within an organization like the Ghana Health Service to prevent any disruption. He remarked that there is still much to be done to enhance healthcare, as public demand increases in this technological era. He called for increased access to healthcare, particularly at the primary level, in hard-to-reach areas and urban centers. Dr. Kuma-Aboagye encouraged the directors and staff to cooperate and support the new leader in achieving the Service’s goals. He also requested that development partners in the health sector extend the support they provided to him during his tenure to Professor Kaba, to help accomplish the objectives of the health service. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of prioritizing staff welfare to ensure the success of both the new Director-General and the Service.

The incoming Director-General, Prof. Samuel Kaba Akoriyea, stated that his work would be guided by the health-related commitments in the government’s manifesto and the responsibilities assigned to the Ghana Health Service. He echoed the sentiment regarding staff welfare and assured that he would prioritize it. Professor Kaba also highlighted the need for enforcing law and order within the Service, as well as maintaining professionalism at all times. He encouraged everyone to bring their best efforts to work together and improve healthcare delivery in the country.

The Chief Director of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Hafiz Adams, who served as the special Guest of Honor, reiterated the significance of prioritizing staff welfare, stating that it is essential for enhancing healthcare delivery. He urged the incoming Director-General to provide the quality healthcare service that is expected of him and the Service.

As part of the handing-over ceremony, Professor Kaba was taken on a tour of the various Divisions under the Service.