Generally, the region implements and monitors health Sector policies, ensures effective coordination of activities, judicious management of health resources (human, logistics, equipment and infrastructure) and provides guidance and technical support to the lower levels. More specifically the region engages in the following:
- Ensuring access to health services at the district, sub-district and community levels by providing health services or contracting out service provision to other recognized health care providers in the region
- Undertaking effective management and administration of the health resources within the region
- Promoting healthy lifestyles and good health habits among the public through effective and targeted health education
- Developing appropriate strategies and setting technical guidelines to achieve national policy goals/objectives
- Implementing and monitoring health policies, strategic plans, protocols, standards and guidelines set up by national in the region
- Planning and delivery of clinical interventions
- Planning and management of public health programmes in the region
- Establishing effective mechanism for disease surveillance, prevention and control in the region
- Strengthening public health action to reduce impact of emergencies and disasters on health in the region
- Supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation of programme implementation
- Human resource management (including staff welfare)
- Transport, equipment and estates management
- Data collection, analysis, reporting and feedback
Collaboration with key stakeholders in health (NGOs, Community leaders, Decentralized departments, CBOs, etc.)