- Providing leadership and coordinating public health activities within GHS.
- Formulating public health policies within the framework of approved national health policies.
- Designing and managing health surveillance, disease prevention and control, occupational and environmental health and other relevant public health programmes;
- Developing and disseminating public health strategic plans, protocols, standards and guidelines.
- Providing technical support in health surveillance, investigations and containment of disease outbreaks, epidemics and risks to health.
- Ensuring inter-sectoral partnerships to improve health and reduce inequalities
- Monitoring and evaluating public health interventions and programmes
- Accelerating the scaling up of essential public health interventions: ITN/IPT-P. DOTS, PMTCT/CT/ARVT, EPI, public education on prevention of risks factors of NCDs, MDAs using CDTI, IDSR etc
- Provision of technical support for the Regional Public Health Reference Laboratories
- Development of early warning systems and the management of epidemics