Internal Audit Division (IAD)

The Internal Audit Division (IAD) derives its core mandate from the Public Financial Management Act, (ACT 921, 2016) and other financial laws of Ghana. the Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (ACT 658) and the Ghana Health Service and Teaching Hospitals Act 1996 (Act 525).

The purpose of the Division is to assist GHS management and the Council achieve the programme and operational goals and objectives of the Service through the conduct of audits and professional evaluations of the GHS activities.

The Division also provides advice and counsel, as needed to GHS management on such things as risk exposure within an activity/structure, as well as proposes new controls and changes in management practices/procedures.

The Division is headed by a Director and there are two Departments under it. Each of the Department is headed by a Deputy Director who reports directly to the Divisional Director.

The Division has 2 Departments:

  • Performance Audit Department
  • Control and Compliance Department

Functions of Internal Audit Divison

  • Appraising and reporting on the soundness and application of the system of controls operating in the Service.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the risk management and governance process of the Service and contributing to the improvement of that risk management and governance process.
  • Providing assurance on the efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the administration of the programmes and operations of the Service.
  • Evaluating compliance of the Service with enactments, policies, standards, systems and procedures.
  • Preparing an annual audit work plan of the activities required to be performed by the Division in a financial year which is determined by the risk assessment including the fiscal risk of the Service in accordance with guidelines issued by the Internal Audit Agency.
  • Submission of annual audit work plan to the Director General of the Service, the Audit Committee and Internal Audit Agency within thirty days after the beginning of the financial year.
  • Submission of quarterly reports on the execution of the annual audit work plan to the Director General of the Service, the Audit Committee, the Auditor-General and the Director-General of the Internal Audit Agency.
  • Reporting to the Director General of the Service any incidents of suspected fraud or misuse of public funds or where necessary to the Director-General of the Internal Audit Agency who shall in consultation with the chairperson of the relevant Audit Committee initiate investigations into the matter

Audit Committee

The Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921) provides for establishment of Audit Committees that shall serve one particular covered entity or any other covered entities in a sector.

The Audit Committee ensures that the Director General of the Service:

Pursues the implementation of any recommendation contained in

  • An internal audit report;
  • Parliament’s decision on the Auditor-General’s report;
  • Auditor-General’s Management Letter; and
  • The report of an internal monitoring unit in the financial matters raised and
Prepares an annual statement showing the status of implementation of any recommendation contained in
  • An internal audit report;
  • Parliament’s decision on the Auditor-General’s report;
  • Auditor-General’s Management Letter;
  • The report on financial matters raised in an internal monitoring unit of a covered entity; and
  • Any other related directive of Parliament.