Planning and Budget (P&B) Department

The functions of the department are to:

  • Review and develop health-financing strategies
  • Translate agreed strategies into guidelines for planning and budgeting
  • Coordinate and prepare plans and budgets for all levels of the GHS 
  • Co-ordinate the preparation of short term (annual), medium- and long-term plans and synthesise these plans into an integrated Ghana Health Service health development plan
  • Collaborate with the Finance Division to develop and update guidelines for budgeting in the Ghana Health Service
  • Develop medium- and long-term health sector financial plans for both capital and recurrent expenditure
  • Analyse trends in the allocation and disbursement of funds within the Ghana Health Service

The Planning Department comprises the following three Units:

Planning and Budget Unit

   The Unit has the following Sections:

  • Planning Section: The section provides support to all levels in the development of comprehensive plans and budget for their various responsibility areas. It also collates these plans into a comprehensive national operational plan based on the different formats that may be required of it.
  • Budget and Expenditure Monitoring Section: The section is the main anchor point for all budget and resource allocation. It ensures that budget allocations reflect national priorities. It also monitors inflows and expenditure to ensure that disbursements are timely and expenditure is kept within the approved ceilings for approved activities.

Contract and Performance Management Unit

The unit ensures the development of Performance Contracts with key managers and BMCs and the development of resource allocation criteria. It further monitors the implementation of performance agreements signed at all levels of the Service and integrates the outcome into the senior management strategic meetings to inform policy.

Resource Mobilization Unit

The Unit identifies potential funding sources and coordinates proposal development for resource mobilization. It builds the capacity for managers in resource mobilization at all levels.