The Greater Accra Region lies in the South East of the country along the Gulf of Guinea and has miles of beautiful coastline especially in the rural parts of the region. The region accommodates the capital city of Ghana and is the second most populous region in the country.
It has a projected total population of 5,234,243 based on the 2010 national population census. It contains 15.4% of Ghana’s population, making it the second highest populated region after Ashanti Region, which has 19.1% of the National population. The population density in Greater Accra is much higher than any other region in the country because of its small land area. The fact that the capital city of Ghana, Accra, is located within this region accounts for the high population and high urbanization. The results of the 2010 census show a population density of 1,205 per square kilometre, up from 895 in 2000.
It has 29 local government administrative districts. Majority of the districts are made up of urban setting covering 93%. About 17.24% of the total districts have both rural and urban setting. The rural urban ratio is 20:80.