Transport Management Department (TMD)

The mandate of the Department is to provide spatial mobility for staff to deliver health services to the population and to ensure timely positioning of health logistics for effectiveness and efficiency of health provision. The Department has an in-depth knowledge and experience in the management of vehicles for the delivery of social services such as health, education, and others. Some of the core knowledge areas are strategic transport management, motorcycle operation and management, Transport Policy formulation, maintenance management systems, designing of transport management systems.

The main functions of the Department include:

  • Formulation of GHS transport management policy and general management of transport resources
  • Preparing GHS Transport Procurement Budget, including Annual Procurement Plan
  • Advising on vehicle procurement and allocation
  • Developing and maintaining National Inventory of all GHS fleet of vehicles
  • Ensuring the compliance of GHS Transport Policy and other operational documents
  • Operating Planned Preventive Maintenance for all GHS fleet of vehicles
  • Producing Transport Management Performance report at specified periods for management
  • Assessing and determining the Human Resources needs of the Department and advising on training and recruitment of staff         
  • Advising and initiating vehicle specifications, disposal and replacement
  • Undertaking transport monitoring and evaluation support visits to regions